Saturday, August 22, 2015






谢谢奶奶给我做软软肉, 还有奶奶给我做白色的还有黑色的花卷.




谢谢奶奶给我做很多衣服还有裤子. 我穿起来你做的衣服很舒服. 你花很多钱来給我买布...

这个照片是我穿上奶奶给我做的衣服. 奶奶用很多时间给我缝的.

我想对爸爸说 "爸爸, 你不要带我去美国. 我想跟奶奶住到她离开人间,我就看不到她了." 

偷狗的故事 (中间一段)

很旧以前有两个人要 在圣诞节之前抓很多狗, 因为他们的皇后说她要用那些小狗的皮做皮衣...

Thursday, August 13, 2015

My SG50 day began with a family shopping trip...

My family and I went to Vivocity in the evening at six o'clock. We saw a toy shop and mom said "I want to buy you a toy fish that can swim, but the queue is too long!" I was disappointed because the queue was too long.

Mom wanted to bring me to the outdoor playground at Vivocity but there was no time.

After the Vivocity trip, I met papa at Downtown MRT train station. Then we went up to papa's office beside the station. I played table tennis with grandpa and that was my first time . Playing table tennis was very easy and fun. I played rounds of table tennis although I didn't count how many. Grandpa said he wanted to bring me 2 times more to play table tennis at papa's office.

I will play table tennis every Friday from now on and for ever.

I enjoyed playing table tennis and looking at the SG50 fireworks in papa's office but not the Vivocity trip.

Friday, August 7, 2015

something strange (and real) on my birthday and the day after

This is about why on my birthday I felt angry on that day....

It was around 4 o'clock on my birthday. I was at home after school. I had too much school homework. So I started to feel angry. and I can't control myself when I'm screaming....


It happened on Thursday, just after my birthday... ! the first time it was controlled by me.

I wanted to say something, but my grandma said everything and didn't let me say. then I screamed.

I screamed to Grandma. Mom thought it was on purpose. She said I screamed at grandma 2 times I need to face the wall for 4 minutes ... I don't know why.

5 flying kids holding hands

Once upon a time there were 5 children who were unhappy about each other

"This is me" -- an activity sheet

My favourite place in the school is the ... canteen (Dad: I wonder why...)

When I grow up, I want to be a ... paediatrician .... for now. (Dad: so you not sure?)

My family and I like to ... watch movie (Dad: what kind?)

During my free time, I like to .... watch TV or eat (Dad: is TV good?)

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Why daddy doesn't let me see videos on youtube

Question for boy...

A:.... because when I watch videos on youtube my daddy will say "You cannot watch youtube because it's for grown-ups". I don't agree because if I play with my mom's smartphone there will also be youtube, then I will watch Mr. Beans. But daddy doesn't agree.

A:...because when i see videos on youtube it might be a movie and i will spoil my eyes.

A: ... but if i am on the smartphone and i'm learning useful knowledge OR searching for words in the smartphone dictionary then why your daddy doesn't check what I'm doing on the smartphone?


when we grow up why do we need to get married?

why daddy doesn't like me to watch too much TV

Question for boy